SDR is an abbreviated form of Slangsary Diary Register
June 4, 2021
Everybody has (not have) worked so hard.
I'm not pleased about the new offices being so far away.
The smaller the car, the more economical to run.
He is a thirty year (not years) old teacher.
He was furious about the mistake.
Are you happy for (not happy with) me to go ahead and order the parts?
June 3
·According to the UN, the synergy between a bicycle and the user can help foster creativity and social engagement. It can also give users better awareness of their local environments
·According to the UN, cycling can be a useful form of transportation for people living in poorer urban sectors. It offers an affordable, reliable, and easily accessible means of transportation that is also environmentally friendly.
·According to better health, the health benefits of regular cycling include increased muscle strength, improved joint mobility, and decreased body fat levels.
World Bicycle Day Top Events and Things to Do
·Go cycling! Cycling can be a great form of exercise that benefits both mental and physical health.
·Make your bike is properly maintained. Regular maintenance is an
important part of cycling that can be done at home or a bike shop.
·Watch a video on celebrating World Bicycle Day.
Pictorial History Of 'The Evolution Of The Bicycle'
World Bicycle Day References and Related Sites Health Benefits of Cycling
June 2, 2021
The #Delhi #HighCourt on #Wednesday termed as “defective” the suit of actress-environmentalist Juhi Chawla against setting up of #5G #wireless networks in the country and said it was filed for “#media publicity”.
“It is not the sweet will of the plaintiff to join as many parties and cause of action. Please see the memo of parties. Tell me how you have joined them. Every party cannot be arrayed in the suit,” the judge said.
The court further said, “It is a defective plaint. This suit has been filed only for media publicity and nothing more than that. It is very shocking.” “Did you approach the government with a representation? If yes, is there any denial?,” the court asked to which the plaintiffs’ counsel replied in negative.
The court said in the suit, the #plaintiff says ‘I have personal knowledge of paragraphs 1 to 8’ only.
“Plaintiff has no personal knowledge of the plaint. I am surprised. How can it be? Is the suit permissible when the plaintiff has no personal knowledge of the averment? I have not seen a suit where a person says I don’t know, please conduct an inquiry,” the #judge said.
Senior advocate #Kapil Sibal, representing private telecom companies, said launching of 5G #technology is a policy of the #government and as it is a policy, it cannot be a wrongful act.
On the issue of public nuisance, he said it has to be first established by the plaintiffs that the policy is a public nuisance and they cannot just make averments and get the relief.
“They have to establish that the policy itself is wrong,” he said.
The suit has sought a direction to the authorities to certify to the public at large that how 5G technology is safe to humans, animals and every type of living organism, #flora and #fauna.
“This suit will reveal a complete sell-out by the #regulatory #agencies who, statutorily, have been tasked to protect the health and life of the public, but whose actions reveal an utter derogation of their own statutory duty in order to advance private interests...,” the plea has alleged.
“Since ‘prevention’ is well-accepted to be far better than ‘cure’, immediate measures must be taken to protect humanity and the environment, in accordance with ethical imperatives as well as formal international agreements, before such harm is actually unleashed,” it said.
The plea said that in #April 2019, #Brussels became the first major city in the world to halt any further steps in the 5G rollout on account of health hazards.
“In fact, as recently as on May 5, 2021, the #Parliament of #Belgium, still not willing to allow 5G rollout in Brussels, invited 45 ordinary citizens drawn at random to address it on their concerns, assuring them that the 5G roll-out will not be permitted till they are heard by Parliament and their concerns are properly and fully addressed,” it said.
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